Dr Pee Tek Chan is calling you to join him on an enchanted journey in Awakening through the highest potential of Yoga – meditation, absorption, samadhi. In the retreat he will introduce a movement meditation called The Form Reality Practice (The Form), a profound vehicle in opening, transcending and realising higher states of Consciousness.


Dr Chan teaches through spontaneous transmission, sourced from his Awakening in Self-Realisation and Samadhi. This Realisation of the Full Brightness of Non-Self of No-Thing was triggered by his introduction to The Form in 2002.

This was preceded by 23 years of training in Patanjali Yoga with an Indian guru from a yogic lineage. He was initiated by the Sakya Tibetan Lama and practiced Vipassana with Burmese Masters. He has been holding retreats in Awakening in Byron Bay since 2008.

7 Day Retreat: 2 – 8 September 2024

Price from $2480 including teaching, all meals, 6 nights in quad (4) share room with shared bathroom. (Other accommodation options subject to cost and availability.) Early bird price $2380.

Day Participants welcome. Price $1880 including all meals and use of centre facilities. Full attendance on all days required. Early bird price $1780. This event is externally organised.

To Register Call 0438 705 527

Free Public Talks

“Awakening Higher Consciousness all the way to Source”

As a prelude to the Retreats, there will be as series of Free Public Talks. You are welcome to attend any or all talks.

Venue:  Byron Yoga Retreat Centre

You and I are born wild and free. We are open books of real life streaming. Our tendency is to limit our openness of our free Spirit for safety’s sake. This series of talks is an invitation to courageous souls who are on a quest to live life fully. Bring your burning questions to this deep self enquiry. The evening talks are open spontaneous dialogue and are a response to the Consciousness of the gathering on the day. This is an offering of experiential, enchanted learning through your spirit of Wonderment. Would you dare yourself to turn up to this calling?

Register Here for Free Public Talk

September 1, 2024 7pm – 8:45pm

The Form as taught by Master Pee Tek Chan took my breath away, and descended it into the abyss of my Being only to rise again and through the portal of a vast cosmic heart. As I awakened into this formless practice I found it was my own heart, made luminous by the pure sensation of Being. Having arisen from a 7 year long intensely challenging journey of the soul I laughed and cried for I have been bowed into the core of my Self where all things untoward and seemingly wretched effortlessly dissolved into the Light. I am grateful for this practice that has one direction in its compass – Home.

Mother Maya Tiwari (Ayurveda pioneer, spiritual teacher)

The depth in the retreat has been profound. I’ve really felt held and Pee Tek’s engagement of each person has allowed for a lot of insights and knowledge to be grounded very practically. Somehow the retreat has consolidated my knowing of The Form Reality Practice, its symbolism and how much there is available when I give myself to the movement. The airing and working on our intimacy has also spirited us on. It’s amplified our love for each other and amplified the dying.

Colin, Yoga Teacher

“Dr Chan’s profound insights and conclusions extol the power of love and forgiveness… I whole-heartedly endorse this book…” (referring to Dr Chan’s book, ‘Sacred Surfer, Eternal Wave’).

Dr Bruce H. Lipton, Author of ‘Biology of Belief’

Retreat Course Overview

During this experiential retreat, you will learn to drop deep into your amazing mystery body through the movement of The Form Reality Practice. This profound practice is a dynamic conscious movement of pure Love of the innermost subtle body, Anandamaya Kosha. It is the moving Interface of the Formless and Form, Consciousness and Light, the pure dance of Union of Shiva-Shakti, merging dancing as One Bliss and Ecstasy, the core of what we Truly Are. This is the essence in Awakening the Kundalini, opening the central channel all the way up and out, arising like a cobra filling up the sky and beyond. Your magic body is woven in the matrix of scintillating Light, moving as a drop in the Ocean of Consciousness. Quantum Yoga Consciousness is the practice in moving your light body, quivering to reveal that you are also the Oceanic Altar of the Beloved.

The Form consists of 5 parts. Each part is a leap in Conscious Awareness, evolving towards Self-Realisation and beyond. You will learn Part 1 and Part 2 during the May 2024 retreat, and Parts 1–5 in the September 2024 retreat. The Form is an intelligent evolving movement that begins from Part 1 and flows on from where you have arrived in the moment, taking you into the next purification of Beingness. In each retreat, we learn and practice from Part 1 onwards. The Form is not a technique. The following is an outline of each part:

Part 1 – Opener, the Way Shower, breaking new ground for Heart-Mind communion.

Part 2 – Initiating the energy centres (chakras), merging Consciousness and Light to flow as One Shiva-Shakti.

Part 3 – Stepping into your Authority in birthing a new seed of Reality from Pure Potential.

Part 4 – Activating the flowering of the 3 major centres of Awakening: the head, the chest and the belly.

Part 5 – Learning to be taken in embodying the Ascent of the most deep (Shakti power) and the descent of the most High (Shiva Consciousness).

Our natural state of Beingness is pure innocence, pure openness. We are all suffering from the dark unconscious parts of our unloved and unmet self, clogging the chakras and central channel. Opening and freeing the chakras requires deep inner shadow work. Learning to consciously move our light body at Love frequency clears the blocks in the energy centres. This is learning to unconditionally fall in love with ourselves. We have forgotten we are all entangled in spiritual amnesia.

I am calling you to Awaken your Inner Guru in your sacred Heart. Come and join me in this wild adventure in diving in to meet that part that you have feared to meet and love.

The retreat offers a safe space for this vulnerable work in opening our hearts in honesty, learning to bow to the wonderment and enchantment of our Transfiguration.

The Form Reality Practices originates through B Prior.

CPD Certificate of Attendance

CPD Certificates for Yoga Alliance, Yoga Australia, ACA and AACHP members are available through Dr Pee Tek Chan (Wisdom Medicine Retreats) on request. Dr Chan is a Yoga Australia certified Level 3 Senior Yoga Teacher.

About Dr Pee Tek Chan

Dr Chan is a counsellor, medical practitioner, acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist, poet and author of ‘Sacred Surfer, Eternal Wave: a path to Truth, Love and Freedom’. Based in Brisbane, Australia, Dr Chan is trained in multiple healing modalities from East and West. He was an invited speaker at the Global Peace Teleconference, Houston, USA. He was interviewed on ABC Radio on Meditation and Lifestyle. He knows that Wisdom Medicine is Self-Realisation.

Training Focus

  • Learn Awareness movement meditation called The Form Reality Practice
  • Experience Silence/Stillness through conscious movement in communing Mind-Body-Heart-Spirit
  • Experience direct transmission of Realised Consciousness
  • Discover Awakening through the highest level of yoga: Meditation-Absorption Samadhi
  • Practice tuning in to the inner subtle body – Anandamaya Kosha – Shiva-Shakti Bliss Body
  • Introduction to authentic Masculine-Feminine activation in relationship
  • Enlightened discernment through conscious self-enquiry
  • Clear blocks through deep inner shadow work
  • Initiating, opening chakras, central channel

Training Inclusions

  • Shared accommodation in quad-share cabin (ensuite and/or private rooms at an additional cost subject to availability)
  • All meals – 3 meals each day, light and delicious sattvic vegetarian cuisine
  • Option for own accommodation outside venue for full retreat participants (includes all meals, plus costs for venue facilities)
  • Herbal teas and fruit available all day (sweet treats and cold drinks on sale)
  • Morning/afternoon/evening sessions
  • Free time after lunch
  • Afternoon session from 4pm
  • Use of the mineral salt swimming pool

To Register Call 0438 705 527

Retreat Programme

Day One – Arrival

2:00pm - 3:00pm - Arrive and settle in your accommodation.
3:00pm - Opening Session + afternoon tea
6:00pm - Dinner
7:30pm - Evening Session

Daily Programme – Satsang + learning The Form throughout the day

7:00am - Meditation - The Form
8:00am - Breakfast
9:15am - Morning Session
1:00pm - Lunch
2:00pm - 4:00pm Free Time
4:00pm - Afternoon Session
6:00pm - Dinner
7:30pm - Evening Session

Final Day

6:30am - Meditation - The Form
8:00am - Breakfast and check out of room
9:15am - Final Session
1:00pm - Departure

* Daily programme may vary slightly

Virtual Tour