Yes Bakasana is an arm balance so requires strength and poise. But it is as much about stability, courage and successfully playing with your centre of gravity. So have some fun with it!


Start in Malasana, squatting with your toes a little wider than your heels and heels down on the mat if possible. Widen your knees and take you hands on the inside of your thighs stretching your arms forward. Spread the fingers and press the hands into the floor as you would for Down Dog.

Learn your torso forward and wiggle your knees up towards your shoulders. Bending the elbows out to the side, engage your core and squeeze your inner thighs into the arms. Lift up onto the balls of your feet then take one foot, or both off the floor. This might be enough.

As you progress in lifting both feet then take the toes together and start to straighten the arms. The final cherry on the cake is to jump back out of Bakasana into Chaturanga Dandasana. teacher … (for more info on the contra indications, benefits and teaching tips click here)

Contra Indications: Not for those who are pregnant, those with carpal tunnel syndrome or wrist injuries.

Benefits: Strengthens arms, wrists, shoulders, inner thighs and core. Stretches the upper back and groin. Builds confidence, courage and sense of combating fear.

Teaching tips: For students who are afraid of falling on their face, place a bolster on their mat. For those struggling to lift even one foot off the mat, place a block under both their feet to they get the feeling of height and they can lift off one foot at a time. Really encourage students to connect with their core – and to have fun!